Why choose HIFU treatment S? We offer personalized treatment plans and cutting-edge technology to help you achieve your goals, providing long-lasting, natural results in just one session.
High Intensity Focused Ultrasound is a non-surgical procedure which uses ultra sound rays to make the skin more firm.
This procedure is non-invasive and hence it is highly recommended as the best cosmetic procedure.
It treats many areas but why should you choose HIFU treatment S?
This skin friendly technique is effective for as long as two years. Other uses include brow and face lifting, cellulite treatment and tightening of the connective tissue.
Highly dense ultrasound waves seep through the skin, triggering elastin and collagen production. Approximately 20% of the effects are visible directly after the treatment, with the final results being seen between 3-6 months later.
The body’s healing process is activated and enhanced by the highly concentrated ultrasound. This aids sagging skin to tighten itself and become firmer.
Improving the appearance of the face, neck and décolletage area. The technique does not use any toxins, artificial fillers or even creams. It is effective by using the body’s natural re-forming and renewing ability.
Once a treatment is complete normal life can continue, because of the surface of the skin being unaffected as process targets deeper layers.